November 21, 2010

Four Movies from VGSoM, IIT Kharagpur

Traditional MIS courses in Business Schools very often tend to focus on programming and systems analysis but the needs of the corporate world seem to be moving away from such "hard" technology. Today, it is all about the rich interactivity of Web 2.0 and the ability to "mashup" a whole slew of occassionally half baked ( or still baking ) technological ideas and deliver value to the business.

In an earlier post, I had highlighted some of the "hard" technology of Cloud Computing that our students have learnt to package together to deliver a useful product. But there is more to the usage of technology than crafting smart applications. Today's managers are very often faced with the task of communicating complex ideas to an impatient audience and the only arrow in the quiver could be technology. Hence students were given the opportunity to explore the use of movie making as a technical tool to further their business goals.

Students were asked to choose a complex business topic and create a 5 minute movie to explain the same. Creating a movie is rare combination of both left and right brain skills : One has to plan, organise locations & actors, shoot, edit and upload -- and this calls for a mix of technical and managerial skills that are essential in any business.

We were fortunate, the Mr K V Sridhar the Creative Head of Leo Burnett helped us evaluate the final products and the four best movies are featured here.

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